People ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" And I answer, a nurse. which is true, but all I've wanted to be when I grew up was an adult. My mom would always joke about me being 13 going on 30 and really that's the truth. I was always beyond my years, an old soul you could say. It was hard to make friends because I was more mature than everyone else. Even in high school while everyone would be out partying and getting into trouble I was working 30 hours a week and my free time consisted of cleaning or being with my friends who were much older. When my mom was in the hospital for three months my dad was either at work or with her so it was just me and my younger sister. For three months I went to school, went to work, went grocery shopping, came home and cleaned and made dinner and lunch for my dad the next day, and drove my sister to whatever practice she needed to go to, did homework, repeat. Telling you this I'm not asking for sympathy here, I actually enjoyed this time. Not saying I'm glad my mom got sick but being on my own was actually pretty awesome. Yeah I was always busy and working and cleaning and doing something but that's what I like. I like being needed, I like helping others, I like having a purpose.
And with this research paper we've been asked to depict our vocation; our purpose in life. I could write about how I want to be a nurse, how I want to help people. Or I could write about how I want to have a family and make memories. But I don't want to be just one thing. I want to be them all. So maybe I'll write about being a nurse who's also a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend. Because that's what I want to be. And to let the years perfect myself in every area. My purpose in life is help those I love and help those who walk through that hospital or that doctor's door. It'll be stressful, I'll be busy but that's all I want; to somehow juggle all those things into a happy, loving, crazy, beautiful life.
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